It’s that time of year team! In addition to the week of in class study we will do for school exams, I expect that you will be doing some of your own. Below are some key links resources to help you with this study.
One of the best things you can do it just practice! Follow the link to the past papers and pick a question. For a quick study option, just write one body paragraph for one question. If you want feedback on this then do it on your blog and I will take a look!
Happy studying!!
Study It- A study site for NCEA Students
When using sites like “SparkNotes” be very mindful that they have a very “surface” analysis of the novel. Using these as a springboard to other ideas but PLEASE make sure you are developing and expanding on the things presented by them.
Blog Post full of critical readings around The Shawshank Redemption
Interview with the author of The Kite Runner
Blog post with the critical analysis of The Shawshank Redemption