The Shawshank Redemption Revision

Hi team! Please find below a list of things you can work on to revise for The Shawshank Redemption.

Revision Questions: This handout has questions that cover the major areas of The Shawshank Redemption that we have studied. Feel free to look at outside sources while you answer them but be wary of things that deal with the novella as opposed to the film. Make sure you are extending the ideas and making them your own. You should aim to use quotes to support your answers for these.

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Power Paragraph Writing: In this task, you pick a question from any of the past papers and write your first body paragraph for one of the questions. You give yourself 25 mins to see how much of that paragraph you can get through. Plan the paragraph first- write down the quotes you will use and points you want to cover- then just spend 25mins writing as much as you can. This helps you to practise your time management as 25mins per paragraph is your time frame in the exam.


Planning grids: Write out planning grids in as much detail as you can for any of the questions in the past papers below. I have attached an example for you to have a look at and see how it is done. Where I have written “Quote 1” and “Quote 2” you should include the specific evidence you will use in the essay you are planning. Note that for a film, you need film techniques as evidence alongside your quotes.

Practice essay: If you think you are up for a challenge, try writing an essay in an hour. See how far you get. The past papers are below. The relief teacher has some exemplars of essays in her relief folder.

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Posted by Renee Plunkett

Teacher of English at Mount Aspiring College, Wanaka, New Zealand.

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