Category: Novel Study (2.1)

All work for our novel study and the notes for your external exam on The Kite Runner are located here.

Some extra reading for those wanting to extend our discussions…

I have attached some critical analysis and reviews on The Shawshank Redemption that I have read and found interesting. For some of you, these might help bring the ideas we have discussed in class into

Some interesting reading…

It could be an interesting process to have a look at some of these stories and see what, if any, parallels you can draw to Amir and his journey to find redemption. I think one

The easy way to write a thesis statement…

If you are really stuck about the thesis statement for your essay, take a look at this very basic, easy to understand guide of how you can get your argument across.

Quote Analysis- Class Group Task

Protected: Higher Thinking Prompts for The Kite Runner

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Protected: The Ultimate Study Guide

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